Help tell our story

Here are some ideas for you to help tell the Concordia Lutheran Mission Society story.

 In your congregation you can:

  1. Add a CLMS Sunday Bulletin Insert Announcement to your service Bulletin.
  2. Contact us for a Power Point to be shown at VBS or Mission Festival. We can provide a general Power Point of our missions or focus on a particular country or mission project.
  3. Ask if there is a local CLMS member who could visit your church and talk about what we do at CLMS.
  4. Hold a fundraiser in support of a mission project. Redeemer Lutheran Church in Didsbury, AB has held chili-cook-offs on several occasions with proceeds supporting the Feeding Program in Nicaragua.
  5. For children – Choose a project as a Sunday school or Vacation Bible School mission focus  – children helping children create many blessings!